Monday, 14 June 2010

Monday sees us at Hawes, Windermere, Dumfries and Stranraer

Now able to retrospectively add some photos from Monday. A very varied and interesting day it was. Starting in sunshine in Manchester, but pretty quickly as we headed North, it was out with the rain suits again.

Hawes Creamery, home to Wensleydale Cheese, and a point of homage for Wallace and Grommit fans, was a great refreshment stop (now that's what I call a ploughman's), and really made us feel we were in the Lake District - with Kendal Mint Cake to the fore

before continuing to Windermere for another pre-arranged stop to meet with other IAM groups, at Darryls Cafe.

Our band of riders - augmented from 16 to 17 last night as Roger Lancaster made the trip direct from Kent to Manchester, having been lent a bike very kindly by Russ Saunders, following a machine failure on day 1 - split at Windermere.

Seems like a good place to split up - being half way between Lands End and John O Groats:

Group 1 who are due to meet up with IAM groups in Northern Ireland on Tuesday headed off for Stranraer for the night, ready for the early morning ferry. The other group took a more circuitous route to Dumfries for their overnight spot.

Donations continue to come in every day, for which thankyou all so much - it's you that make this whole thing worthwhile. An example of this was at a petrol station near Ullswater, where the staff, on hearing about what we are doing, both gave a donation to Spinal Research, for which, thankyou very much. Keep them coming.

Hasta Manana.

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